Friday, September 8, 2017

Adding maven dependencies from github

How to add dependencies from github into your maven project

Example :
If I have to add dependency from

Enter the repo as below and hit lookup

I know! So cool

@ContextConfiguration with class

If your spring application is a booty, you would simply go with an @SpringBootTest to achieve the similar result. But unfortunately, some of our obsolete projects are far behind this.

In one of my post, I would have briefed how to configure random beans. I need to test the same. i.e. I need the context information of this random bean to have specific test cases on top of them.

This is the configuration class and
This is the test case for the same.

AnnotationConfigContextLoader is the one that facilitates this

@ContextConfiguration(classes=PnlRandomizerConfiguration.class, loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
public class PnlRandomizerTest {

I would encourage you read more about this here

Note that it cannot load both xml and class.
More about it here and here

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Random Beans

There are many instances while writing test cases, where we wanted a baked object with some default values, which we then modify partially as per the need for the test.
Random beans exactly achieves this

I have a Pnl object which has PnlKey. For my test, I need test data with different key elements - date, book, account, etc - so that I can check if the aggregation on those levels works perfectly.

So for the test setup, I would want to create a lot of Pnl objects with only certain concerned attributes with values, say,
date - last 5 days
book - from 1 to 10

public class Pnl {

      private PnlKey pnlKey;


public class PnlKey {

    private String custodianAccount;

    private Integer bookId;

    private Integer pnlSpn;

    private Date date;

    private Integer bundleId;


public EnhancedRandom getEnhancedRandomForPnl() {
 Randomizer<Date> dateRandomizer = () -> {
  int max = dates.length;
  Random random = new Random();
  return dates[random.nextInt(max)];
 Randomizer<Integer> bookRandomizer = () -> {
  int min = 1;
  int max = 10;
  Random random = new Random();
  return min + random.nextInt((max - min) + 1);
 Randomizer<Integer> bundleRandomizer = () -> {
  int min = 11;
  int max = 20;
  Random random = new Random();
  return min + random.nextInt((max - min) + 1);
 Randomizer<String> custodianAccountRandomizer = () -> {
  Random random = new Random();
  return custodianAccounts[random.nextInt(custodianAccounts.length)];
 EnhancedRandom enhancedRandom = EnhancedRandomBuilder.aNewEnhancedRandomBuilder()
   .randomize(Date.class, dateRandomizer)
   .randomize(new FieldDefinition<>("bookId", Integer.class, PnlKey.class), bookRandomizer)
   .randomize(new FieldDefinition<>("bundleId", Integer.class, PnlKey.class), bundleRandomizer)
   .randomize(new FieldDefinition<>("custodianAccount", String.class, PnlKey.class),
 return enhancedRandom;
You can check how this is configured here

And how it is accessed/tested here